Issue 90
he Limbo between Christmas and New Year’s may be a result of historical serendipity. Celebrated on December 25th, Christmas, marks the birth of little baby Jesus in Christian orthodox traditions. New Year’s, celebrated on January 1st, marks the beginning of the more tra
Issues 46
ComiCentric Issue 46: M.O.D.O.K Mo Problems (In three parts)
Issues 45
As far as nostalgia goes we are always burdened with the issue of should it go on. How else is it going to become nostalgic if we don’t let it sit on the shelf unperturbed for decades. waiting for the day when our brains get a little hint of old dopamine that once permutated our…
Issues 33
Namor was created in 1939 by Bill Everett for Marvel, then Timely Comics. One of the original 3 characters to come out from marvel. Setting the stage for what could be mutants since the other one was a super powered weenier and the other an android who lit himself on fire. A mutant son of…