ComiCentric Issue 101: Recenseo X-men Post Facto

There is always a risk in trying to recapture the magic of an old fandom. Sometimes it does not live up to the nostalgic feeling one longs for. Leading to disappointment. Additionally, changes made to the content for modern audiences may not always resonate with everyone.

On the one hand, it can be exciting for older fans who grew up with the original to see it reanimated in the style one is familiar with. Also to see the story once thought finished, continue.

But on the other hand, bringing back shows from the grave can also provide an opportunity to introduce characters and stories to audiences who have not experienced them before. introducing these stories to a new generation can be valuable, especially if the themes and messages are still resonating.

Ultimately, the success of a revival depends on how well it balances honoring the spirit of the original while also bringing something fresh and relevant to the table. It’s a delicate balance, and not every revival succeeds in striking it.

It’s all about striking a balance between honoring the past and embracing the future.


PS: X-Men: The Animated Series is available on Disney+. And I am 2 episodes in and it fucking rocks.  I take my cartoons seriously.