ComiCentric Issue 99: 99 problems and this podcast ain’t one.

Inspired by my morbid curiosity, 99 episodes ago I decided to start a podcast from the comfort of the comic shop. Armed with enthusiasm and nothing more. I set forth and I poured my heart into creating engaging content that resonated with our fellow comic-dwellers. However, despite my efforts, I have found myself stuck in a rut, unable to attract a larger audience beyond the normal numbers.

Determined to break free from stagnation, I must embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. maybe refined the podcast’s branding, storytelling, and diversified the content to cater to a wider audience?

Along the way, I will seek feedback from our loyal listeners and perhaps investigate collaboration with other podcasters to cross-promote?

take control of the narrative one panel at a time

As I persist in the quest for podcastian growth, I have encountered challenges and setbacks, but I remained resilient and adaptable. Leveraging social media platforms, I try to engage with his audience, but haven’t fostered a sense of community.

With each episode, I learned valuable lessons about perseverance, authenticity, and the power of connection. Over time, I hope the podcast to gain momentum, attracting listeners from far and wide (shout out to out 1 German listener). Inspired by making this podcast a success, I will set my sights on even greater aspirations, knowing that the journey hasn’t ended.

And so, it is with unwavering determination and a sense of macabre exploration in my heart, Ill continued to share our stories of the eccentric side of the comic world, one episode… one issue at a time!