ComiCentric Issue 93: NIPPON KAIJU STOPMING or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Highball.

You ever have a dream? A dream that’s not big. Not elaborate. Not a big deal. A dream that would mean the world, in its own little way. Could be as simple as eat ‘Japanese food in Japan’

My recent sojourn whisked me away to the vibrant tapestry of Japan, and onto the bustling streets of Osaka and the neon-lit avenues of Shinjuku. A culinary odyssey awaited, as each day unfolded as a duet between exploration and gastronomy.

Osaka offered a kaleidoscope of flavors. From savory Takoyaki, sizzling Okonomiyaki to the comforting aroma of street-side Yakitori, every bite narrated a tale of culinary mastery. Amidst a visit to an ancient castle and tranquil budding Sakura gardens, my senses were perpetually serenaded by the sizzle of street food.

OSAKA, a city known as the “Kitchen of Japan,”

Shinjuku, a neon-drenched wonderland, painted a different stroke on the canvas of my journey. Amidst towering skyscrapers, I wandered through the electrifying glow of entertainment districts. Ramen stalls beckoned, and sushi masters wielded their artistry with precision.

Remarkably, my appetite knew no end. Yet, despite the constant movement, and saturated visits to the convenience store savory concessions, a curious alchemy occurred. The flavors of Japan seemed to dance with my footsteps, resulting in a paradox — a loss of a single pound amid gastronomic abundance.

I could seriously recant every bowl of curry and ramen I had and like snowflakes. no two wherever the same. Unless u went back to the same spot for seconds.