Comicentric issue 86: ‘Woke’ me up before you go go…

The term “woke” has evolved over time and taken on different meanings depending on the context. Originally, “woke” is the past participle of “wake,” but in contemporary language, it used to describe a heightened awareness of social and political issues, especially related to justice and inequality.

Originally, “stay woke” did carry the connotation of staying informed and vigilant about societal issues and injustices. origins seem to stem according to google from the African American Vernacular English (A.A.V.E.). Embraced as a call to be aware of the social and political challenges faced by marginalized communities. This term has been more broadly adopted, and as with many linguistic phenomena, its meaning has expanded and evolved based on usage and context.

As time marches and the evolution of languages idioms continue to change

While it seen as a call to action, urging individuals to remain alert, informed, and engaged in issues related to social justice and equality. Now a days, ‘woke’ is a term used to describe something unsavory. when it doesn’t fit in the pallet of the individual it is stated for a lack of a better term as ‘woke’.

I understand that that language is ever shifting dynamic. The meaning of words can fluctuate over time, especially as they become more widely used and integrated into various communities and contexts.

I fear for term woke it will end up biting the bullet when breaking the ice, perhaps it might kick the bucket. I don’t want to give the cold shoulder to a word with potential. I’d rather not throw the baby out with the bathwater. The rule of thumb is not to turn a blind eye when used incorrectly.  Why forego a word that has manifesting potential to the ‘les enfants’ of the world? We must stay vigilant, culturally sensitive, and morally aware if we want to stay Awoke, Awakened, Awoken, Aroused, Wakened, Roused, Stirred, Vigilant.

