Issue 55
We are so tired, and we will tell you this week what grinds our gears. They can’t all be highs sometimes things get to us. And you get to hear it!!
Issues 54
ComiCentric Issue 54 : A Fetus by any other Vomit would still smell as sweet? What can be said about Mr. Fetus Vomit that hasn’t been said already? What is a Fetus Vomit you say? Well, it’s hard to explain […]
Holy podcast chicano batman
In comics the Annual is usually a combination piece to whatever you are currently reading in comics. The annual may close plot holes. Give resolution to unsolved endings. Or even drum up more questions. Some can see the annual as […]
Issues 48
ComiCentric Issue 48: Lisa! Lisa Pizza stains! Welcome back true believers! As well as you right there nonbeliever? You ready to sit you ass back down for another slice of Lisa Vasquez of my favorite band and yours… Pizza Stains? […]
Issues 45
As far as nostalgia goes we are always burdened with the issue of should it go on. How else is it going to become nostalgic if we don’t let it sit on the shelf unperturbed for decades. waiting for the day when our brains get a little hint of old dopamine that once permutated our…
Issues 43
Kid tested. Parent approved. whats in a collection? Where is the line that one crosses and goes from being a collection becomes a pack rat?