Isssue 40
Welcome and thank you for tuning in to Comicentrics telethon the lines are now open… This time around we have our returning pal Nathaniel Osollo, eyedraugh, he comes back for the second time but for the first time in this […]
Issue 34
I want you guys to meet Lisa Vasquez she plays on a freaking rad band called Pizza stains. Taking on the persona of Lisa Pizza she plays with her with her what a do nephew Ian Stains the other half of the band.
Issues 33
Namor was created in 1939 by Bill Everett for Marvel, then Timely Comics. One of the original 3 characters to come out from marvel. Setting the stage for what could be mutants since the other one was a super powered weenier and the other an android who lit himself on fire. A mutant son of…
ComiCentric: SPECIAL
Welcome to a very special issue of ComiCentric. On this episode we try something a little different. We woke up early morning in 2022 to join our friend and Local Legend Javier Hernandez and record a little commentary for the […]
Issues 28
Spawn of the Bat: a Crossover Batman/Spawn by Todd McFarlane Do you think 30 years is a long time to wait for a book we didnt want, but need?
Issues 27
Comicentric Issue 27: Hombre lobo en Disney-aris or werewolf by night, therewolf by day.
Issues 26
Comicentric Issue 26: Sgt Rock vs Evil (nazi un)Dead or Bruce Campbell’s bike
Issues 25
The Munsters originated aird in the summer of ‘64 during the wave of the hippy revolution. And rode that wave for 70 episodes. Before Batman came in ‘66 on another network on the same time slot and just slayed The Munsters. But that’s not saying they didn’t have a good run. So good that its…