Issues 48
ComiCentric Issue 48: Lisa! Lisa Pizza stains! Welcome back true believers! As well as you right there nonbeliever? You ready to sit you ass back down for another slice of Lisa Vasquez of my favorite band and yours… Pizza Stains? […]
Issues 43
Kid tested. Parent approved. whats in a collection? Where is the line that one crosses and goes from being a collection becomes a pack rat?
Issue 41
ComiCentric Issue 41: Uke till you Puke with Sunshine Nausea Good morning … G’day.. and gUd evening … we start our episode with a disclaimer. The following episode was recorded prior to the event mentioned being canceled. Due to issues […]
Issues 38
What a new year means to me? Nothing. Just another day in the books. I understand that we need rest of the calendar and it’s nice to know how many times we been around the sun. A sun spiraling in the vast void of emptiness a bajillion mile an hour. A prolific ride with no…
Issue 34
I want you guys to meet Lisa Vasquez she plays on a freaking rad band called Pizza stains. Taking on the persona of Lisa Pizza she plays with her with her what a do nephew Ian Stains the other half of the band.