Issues 13
Nathaniel Osollo or “ollo” is an artist who has been creating and been making comics for more than 10 years.
Issues 12
We talk about two legends in the independent Latino independent comic scene. Javier Hernandez and Rafael Navarro
Issues 11
This week on ComiCentric we welcome our good long time friend Adolfo Reyes AKA OflodaMonstro.
Issues 10
The Nomadic Poet laureate of South Central: Nikolai Garcia
Issues 09
This week on comicentric we go off on ghostly tangent.
Issues 08
“Dre Cervantes has seen a lot of crazy stuff in the world of geekdom… Going back as far as I can remember Andres Cervantes or “Dre” as we know him, was a staple in my early days of collecting comics. At the time he was the rudimentary comic clerk in the full sense of the…
Issues 06
Resurgences and catch up with Nostalgic While we have fun. We are also seriously working towards building our brand and participating in events such as the Latino Comic Expo. Held in Long Beach after 2 years of being held back […]
Issues 05
Patrick of KQBH 101.5 FM Patrick J Martinez a long-time standing friend. Pat has been living out his dream of being on the air waves. Comes to us from KQBH 101.5 FM Boyle heights arts conservatory. He will discus his […]
Issues 4
Happy Mothers Day! Mothers in Comics In this issue we talk about our moms. Our view on how they take on our nerdiness. Learn to accept or live with it and eventually become part of it. Pete’s mother would take […]