ComiCentric Issue 58: The Singularity of Reality often leads to upset stomach.

This week we cover the singularity that is this Simulation our reality. And how all we see is all we render and there is nothing beyond that. Till it gets rendered in the next fraction of time. Moments so fast that the computing power to render every Nano second of every atom in the entire universe is astronomical. And then to make that a thing a blip for everyone. It’s impossible unless there is only one machine controlling all the avatars and making them all do a preset of orders that will lead to some inevitability that will end without end and the beginning of a countless cycle that will never fail to continue.

we didn't listen to Sarah Connor

And I’m not including the possibility of multiverses in the same issue as each that came before it. Another version of you somewhere out there chose the salad instead of the fries. Ugh… imagine that? But that is all the theory and image we create in our heads. That often said that each thought is a universe of possibility. kind of like opening a new timeline. Filled with countless endings and even more inevitability.

to be one with the master plan

With so much out there to think about that we often forget that even though it’s endless and there is much that we will not see or experience there is also so much behind us that we never seen or experienced . Our deal is for the now.  To connect our portion of our time line with the past and the future. While we only have a limited time to do these things. So lets take what has been given to us as a gift, to make what we can with it and make sure we all have a great blip.