ComiCentric Issue 47: March Madness? I hardly even knew her.

The fundamentals for a fabulous February. Get through it and call it March! A forth of the year is just wrapping up and what have you done with your year? Well, I fear that we are facing a problem. You love mentioning that you are getting busy but no longer know what that involves. As we grow closer to the year ending for this cast of post we know as comicentric I’m am thinking perhaps a break. Or perhaps a reconstruction of the whole thing.

I have no idea what is next. I do want to grow this channel. But into what? I don’t know. I just enjoy shooting the shit with everyone that has come through and sat with us for a hour or two and talked about this and especially when they talk about that.


Sometimes I think what are we doing here? Are we making a difference in our 6 to 8 weekly listeners a week? I don’t know. Then I’m reminded of why I started this to find out if people are weird or if weird people read comics. And thus I have been lead to no conclusion and the lack of evidence in either direction has lead me to perhaps seek other ventures to answer that question. But how does one revamp something just started?

These questions and more will not be answered on this podcast but are food for thought. I think we talk about remaking Kolchak the night stalker, found footage, mark Thompson and Nazis on and in the moon. So, weird shit regardless of where you get it from we here for you.

