ComiCentric Issue 56: Evil Dead before you go to bed
Do you remember when you were introduced into the evil dead universe? Or when you realized that the first two Evil Dead movies are the same movies, just one had a bigger budget. Maybe you’re an army of darkness kind of person. Wherever you started the franchise, that started with a modest budget, now a franchise spanning multiple iteration of movies, tv shows, and even video games.
This latest iteration of Evil Dead: Evil Dead Rise brings the spirit of the original films with all the gore and excitement you expect of the franchise. And while the tropes that made the franchise what it was were all there. This movie tried to deliver in the gore section, but it just felt a little flat. It was nice to see everyone die in their own spectacular way. I wasn’t thrown back as many of the people that saw the movie were.
I mean I was amazed at the special effects that were in the movie. Not being able to differentiate the CGI from the practical effect was seamlessly well done. But I didn’t go see an Evil Dead movie for that. I went to get groovy with 90 minutes of my time. And perhaps being such a huge fan of the series, I already knew what must happen in order for this to be a well-played out Evil Dead movie. That when something that should surprise me just makes me produce the ‘Chad’ approval face.
But if you’re going to go with stories from the Evil dead world, why not make it a series? It can span from the Middle Ages through the foreseeable future. And now that the evil dead seems to have opened the multiverse in this respected franchise. The stories that can be told are unlimited. But starting off with a movie that ties in ever so lightly is a good start. And granted I was entertained. as a fan of the series I did laugh more than I gasped. And I did enjoy myself more than I intended too.