Lets kick start this teenage Flying saucer into space*

Kick starters are a hard thing to get started. I wouldn’t know but if you ask Peter and Valeria of Gordo: The teenage Flying saucer they will tell you, it has been and interesting journey. This modern take on the now public domain character, Fatman the Human Flying Saucer. Whose origin tie him to ever popular Shazam of DC fame. Bringing this character up to date and modernizing it are Miguel Acedo and Peter Mellini with art by Valeria Ontiveros.

All Ages Superhero / Sci-Fi / Adventure! Gordo: The teenage Flying saucer KickStarter campaign
Radical art by Valeria Oliveros

Gordo: The teenage Flying saucer got its premier at the East Los Angeles CAPE back in 2019.

Since its debut there has only been one issue of Gordo: The teenage Flying saucer made. Due to two years of the blip… I mean covid, There was a brief hiatus on the progress of Gordo: The teenage Flying saucer. While ideas keep coming. It wasn’t like they were just twiddling their thumbs there was new stories brewing. It gave them time to add and remove things they didn’t like. Basically, streamed lined it.

Now the Gordo: The teenage Flying saucer team is ready to blast off again. This time enlisting the help of the whole damn internets. With a kick starter that should help them continue the story and be able to print out more issues of with new and exciting stories.

All Ages Superhero / Sci-Fi / Adventure! Gordo: The teenage Flying saucer KickStarter campaign
will have update with link once it becomes available

*Originally planned for Oct 1st the Kick starter release date has been postponed 2 Weeks until the 15th of October.

According to the team of Gordo: The teenage Flying saucer there will be several tiers to pick from. With special covers and art from a variety of friends who donated to the cause. There is a Free Preview on the website Gordo: The teenage Flying saucer you have 2weeks to look and then come to the kick starter to help make these crazy kids dreams come true. I mean i wanna read the next issue… don’t you?