“Dre Cervantes has seen a lot of crazy stuff in the world of geekdom…”

Going back as far as I can remember Andres Cervantes or “Dre” as we know him, was a staple in my early days of collecting comics. At the time he was the rudimentary comic clerk in the full sense of the word. He started working in comics at Comic Galaxy at the tender age of 14. Getting the keys and the responsibility of a store at a young age molded him into the clerk I meet over 20 years ago. In the pre-internet days, he had nothing to do but to absorb all the comic book titles, thus granting him, vast knowledge of every aspect of the comic world.

Without him I wouldn’t been put on my path of the comic clerk. Eventually he had to get a real job and was only there part time. Giving peter and I a chance to step up and take the mantel. He taught us how to run the register and imposed a bit of wisdom before he took off for greener pastures. Though he was still part of the background, he was a prominent member of the Galaxy team.

While Dre was looking for his niche in the real world. A road that took him through many jobs with big companies from Frys’s electronics to the conglomerate known as Nintendo. Comics where still part of his life. He would keep coming back. He would just be hanging out, playing heroclix and talk comics into the afterhours. Bringing with him his wit and charisma leaving behind words of wisdom. Dre was very knowledgeable whether it was comics, movies, video games, and or sports. A straight up mentor and great freaking friend.

With all his knowledge it was only natural that he starts his own podcast.  With DresGeekPhilosphy he was able to express himself all over the interwebs. After working at the Nintendo where he felt stifled and censored. Dre was unemployed and no longer in the nerd community, so he needed an outlet. And thus, his online Facebook rants blossomed into what we know as DresGeekPhilosphy a place for him to let loose and express himself. Doing the podcast now for over 5 years. Dre has come into his own voice and is really one of the reasons I am on this podcasting journey myself. He is an inspiration.

Dres’ latest path is that of a nerd dad. Teaming up with his life partner, they have brought into this world a lil fusion. As he brought his son Tiger into the recording, I feared having a child wild card on the podcast. But seeing Dre handle as a dad with calming dad tones was a trip. No longer the man that once yelled at me to get out of the store, he is now the man who makes sure a living human being is being taken care of. A good trip that made me realize that fatherhood is only as scary as we make it. Being in the situation changes a person, and to see someone fixed in his ways change is the most fascinating part. Feeling like an early Father’s Day episode. He will tell us what it is like to be a nerd dad in this day and age.

Life is transition. Life has many twists and turns we just got to bend with them less we break. So join us as Dre talks to us about the past, present, and future.

And don’t forget to follow him @DreGeekPhilosophy for more content.